Day 10
Due to limitations set by the publishing company, I am not able to post the recipes from the book. If you are unable to support Ani in purchasing her book, please utilize your public library!Wow, I can hardly believe that it is day ten. Perhaps that is because I got 2 hours of sleep before being called in for a work emergency. Drove an hour to get there, emergency lasted two hours. Went to the store and came home. Forgot the celery :(
I find it amazing how some people get up at 5 or 6 in the morning, work out, run errands, etc., before going to work. It was really interesting to see all the different walks of life this morning. I admit, I have a hard time getting up before 7a and most nights I stay up till about 12 or 1a, which is not conducive to getting up at 7. You Rock Morning People!!
Breakfast(2:45 A)
Pear Lime Ginger Shake4 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
*I used 2 limes as they were smaller and skipped the green tea due to the early hour. (Hopefully I can take a little nap since I'm not "hopped" up on caffeine!")
Due to the early hour and my need to leave as quickly as possible, I did not take a picture. Truthfully, it looked like yesterday's morning shake-- light yellow. I also couldn't taste the lime that much. I could taste the pear, but the pineapple is what came through the most.
Morning Snack
Watermelon Grapefruit Salad5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
I found this salad to be different but good. A twist on plain watermelon the grapefruit, mint and scallions go extremely well with each other. I couldn't really taste the jalapeno. My watermelon wasn't super sweet but I think the sweeter the melon the better this will taste! I ate it while I was making all of my meals for tomorrow. Hours spent in the kitchen... I am really looking forward to not spending so much time in the kitchen as I will be able to make food in bulk after this is over :)
Chiffonade: stack leaves one on top of the other and then roll. Thinly slice roll.
Zucchini Hummus4 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
*I ran out of cashews making the dressing the other day. They are a similar composition so I used about 1/2 C of the dressing instead of cashew nuts. This caused it to be a bit more runny.
Overall this dish is good, very filling. I would try to make it again as mine turned out more runny than it's supposed to be. I do miss the tahini flavor that is normally in hummus.
Afternoon Snack

2 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
I was tempted to give this recipe a 1 star rating but because I didn't have to hold my nose and I didn't mind the wakame I am giving it a 2.
To me this tasted (and looked) very much like beef broth. I am really looking forward to dinner!
Mixed Vegetable Seaweed with Sesame Dipping Sauce5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
Julienne: to cut into matchsticks.
I made this and took it with me as I had to work last night. Without the sauce it was rather bland but was really good with the sauce. Because waited to eat it, the nori were wet. I think it would be better eaten right after making so that the nori wouldn't have over powered the veggies.
I found myself really craving chocolate this evening- I didn't give in!
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