Day 5
Due to limitations set by the publishing company, I am not able to post the recipes from the book. If you are unable to support Ani in purchasing her book, please utilize your public library!At 1:30 this morning, I had to get something to eat. Thankfully I had picked up a raw bar at the store yesterday afternoon. So I had that with some grapes and all was well with the world again!

5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
*I added 4 ice cubes and waited to add the coconut oil when it was blending to prevent it sinking to the bottom.
Overall this shake is very good! I didn't use as much ginger as it seems to overpower usually but I can't really taste it- so either the mango tones it down or I didn't add enough! Either way I am definitely making this again!
Morning Snack
5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
*I cut this recipe in half because it took two grapefruits (the only 2 I had on hand :) to get one cup.
I ended up eating this for a post dinner snack instead of a morning snack as I had a late breakfast. I was surprised and delighted with how the flavors of the cinnamon, grapefruit, and ginger blended together. Again the ginger was not an overpowering force but a light warmer! I will be making this again! It helps that I happen to love grapefruit!
Rocket Fuel #3
MCFA (Medium Chain Fatty Acids) and other EFA (Essential): Also referred to as MCTs, which stands for medium chain triglycerides. This type of fat fights fat by "keeping body fat from accumulating and suppressing weight gain. Our bodies seem to "burn" these foods in such a way that we tend not to store their calories as fat." Rather than being stored they are used for energy instead and they inhibit the depositing of fat throughout the body. "MCFA seem to have better thermogenic qualities than other fatty acids; they increase "heat" in the body and energy expenditure (calorie burn)."
Other fatty acids that are ultilized in this plan are monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and Omega 3s for their weight loss benefits. MUFAs improve insulin levels and blood sugar, and Omega 3s while great for brain health also stimulate the production of leptin, "a hormone that helps regulate metabolism and weight".
pgs 39-40 of Ani's Fat Blast
pgs 39-40 of Ani's Fat Blast
Coconut milk
Coconut oil
Palm kernel oil
Olive oil
Omega 3s:
Flaxseed or flaxmeal
Soybeans (cooked or sprouted, never raw)
Spring Sauerkraut Salad with Thermo Dressing5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
This salad is excellent! I was rather surprised with the combinations but it balances out beautifully! I didn't have enough olive oil on hand to make a full batch of the dressing so I cut it down for one person.
Afternoon Snack

5 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
*I added 4 ice cubes.
This shake was very pleasant to consume, another winner!
Kreamy Dill Delight3 of 5 stars-- my personal rating
I have tried a raw broccoli soup in the past and haven't cared for the texture that it lends, but I tried this soup and had about the same experience. I found it edible but not something that I would make again. It was a little bit of a let down after having such wonderful meals earlier. I had a late night snack of the grapefruit salad as I mentioned before, and that was excellent and more than made up for the soup :)
I noticed today that my urination levels are back to normal and the breakouts I was having due to detox have subsided. My skin is now mostly clear and I am feeling light and fit, even though I haven't exercised as much as I would have liked so far!
I would like to thank those who have taken the time to follow my journey, I really appreciate your interest and support.
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