Happy 4th Everyone! I hope that where ever you are you are having a good day. I returned from Boston last week and if you haven't ever been, you should check it out! They have a really cool science museum that I highly recommend and I bet it is a blast over there around the 4th! The picture to the right is of the electricity show at the science museum.

The black raspberries have also been ripening like crazy. I have one and quarter gallon bags frozen, more fresh in the fridge, and more ripening on the bushes! Praise the Lord it has been a bountiful summer!
Raw Ice Cream Parfaits
1 and a half frozen bananas, sliced
4 pkts stevia1 squirt agave
1/2 tsp vanilla extract, if you have it -preferably non-alcoholic
In small processor, place bananas, stevia, agave, and coconut milk. Process until smooth.
In small desert glasses layer blueberries, buckwheat oat groats, and ice cream. Top with raspberries and their juice for color. Serve quickly or place in the freezer.
Raw Cherry Ice Cream Floats
Take the left over ice cream from the parfaits and place it in the freezer to harden so you can form it into balls for the float.Once it is hard, scoop it into the glass, top with cherries and some the juice. Pour soda on top and serve!
Have a happy 4th!

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