In honor of this momentous occasion I am giving the blog a face lift with a new name and will be working on expanding our readership. I hope that you like the new look as much as I do!
Another announcement: the International Raw Food Day is tomorrow!!! So if you haven't already signed up to receive all the free goodies from some world renown chefs, you should!!
This is going to be the best International Raw Food Day EVER! Just look at what’s happening this year – so much FREE stuff AND a brand new raw food magazine.
Reserve yours here
If you have never gone raw, I highly recommend trying it for a day as there are numerous benefits such as weight loss, mental clarity, and lots of energy! It's not hard and most of all- it's Super Delicious!! If you are nervous about trying it, Karen Knowler- a well known raw food chef and coach- is spearheading this year's IRFD and she has a free download available on how to go raw for a day that includes some great recipes. Just click on the picture below and check it out!!
My Raw Breakfast
PB&J Smoothie

2 bananas
1.5 tbsp PB2
1 scoop protein powder
1 tsp maca powder (optional)
4 pkts Stevia
3/4 C raspberries (doesn't matter what color- mine are "black" [deep purple] that I picked from the garden and placed in a bowl with water)
1/2 C (or more as needed) raspberry water or almond milk
ice (optional)
Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
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