I was a bit stumped on what to share with you this week, so I thought that I would share my husbands FAVORITE meal that I make him from time to time. It is a bit time consuming but the results are fantastic.
-- Unfortunately I thought of this After I just made it so I don't have any pictures to go along with the recipe. What was I thinking?! Or not, apparently!
For this recipe you will need the following:
2 shallow bowls
1 fork
1 cutting knife
1 pair kitchen scissors
1-2 cutting boards depending
1 large baking pan- preferably glass
1 cookie or pizza sheet
2 paper plates
Cheese grater
breadcrumbs- seasoned either garlic or italian
eggs- about 4
1 large eggplant
one bell pepper diced, or a pre-cut mix (of colors) which saves time
1/2 C diced red onion- may need more, or less (sorry I didn't measure!)
1 jar tomato sauce-- I like the tomato basil as it adds background flavor
fresh baby spinach
2 blocks mozzarella cheese- you probably won't need it all
Break 2 eggs in to one shallow bowl and pour some bread crumbs into the second shallow bowl.
Preheat oven to 375.
Next you want to cut off the top of the eggplant and slice it thinly, roughly an 1/8th to 1/4". You don't have to slice it all at once. Get about 8-10 slices and then each on in turn dip into the egg and then into the bread crumbs. Turn it over to get the other side of the slice covered in bread crumbs and place onto the pizza sheet.
Continue until sheet is full. If oven is not ready yet continue to batter the slices of eggplant and place on a paper plate.
Cook eggplant in oven for 5 minutes and then flip the slices over and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from oven and place on the second paper plate and reload your pizza sheet. Put next batch in the oven.
Begin to line the bottom of your baking dish with the eggplant. It is okay if the slices overlap a little.
Next, sprinkle diced bell pepper and onion on top of the slices and then add a light layer of pasta sauce.
Grab a handful of the spinach and form into a tight bundle. Cut the spinach with the scissors so that it is fine and evenly spread over dish.
Next grate a light even layer of mozzarella.
You will continue this layer pattern until you run out of either eggplant or casserole dish!
Top with breadcrumbs and mozzarella.
Bake for 35-40 min on 375 till golden brown and bubbly.
Allow to cool a bit before eating!